Dear members,
In an effort to make neuropsychological evaluations more accessible to diverse and underserved communities, we are excited to announce a new initiative - a partnership with Massachusetts Advocates for Children (MAC).
This initiative is in line with our dedication to Relevance 2050 and centers around one of our core principles as psychologists - Principle B of the APA ethics guidelines notes that psychologists “are aware of their professional and scientific responsibilities to society and to the specific communities in which they work. … Psychologists strive to contribute a portion of their professional time for little or no compensation or personal advantage.”
MAC’s mission is “to remove barriers to educational and life opportunities for children and youth… with a focus on children and youth who face significant barriers, inequities, and discrimination because of their economic status, disability, race, ethnicty/culture, immigration status, English Learner status, and/or traumatic life experiences.”
The initiative will match pediatric neuropsychologists according to their expertise with a family identified by MAC that requires an evaluation for educational purposes. Interested neuropsychologists would need to:
Conduct a neuropsychological evaluation and a school observation at “state rates” for a family identified by MAC.
Consult with MAC’s legal team to pursue the best outcome for the child/family.
Be willing to attend a special education hearing, although very few cases in MAC go to hearing.
Benefits include:
Assisting underserved populations that would otherwise not have the means to hire a neuropsychologist.
Knowing your recommendations will be implemented due to attorney involvement.
Potential systematic change in school districts.
Recognition of your MAC-MNS contributions during the annual Science Symposium.
The MNS Board will fund hearing and hearing preparation time on a case-by-case basis in line with our mission.
If you may be interested in participating in this initiative, please reach out to Katherine Gamble or Jeff Drayer for details.
Please click the link below to sign up!