In an effort to make neuropsychological evaluations more accessible to diverse and underserved communities, we are excited to announce a new initiative - a partnership with Massachusetts Advocates for Children (MAC).
This initiative is in line with our dedication to Relevance 2050 and centers around one of our core principles as psychologists - Principle B of the APA ethics guidelines notes that psychologists “are aware of their professional and scientific responsibilities to society and to the specific communities in which they work. … Psychologists strive to contribute a portion of their professional time for little or no compensation or personal advantage.”
MAC’s mission is “to remove barriers to educational and life opportunities for children and youth… with a focus on children and youth who face significant barriers, inequities, and discrimination because of their economic status, disability, race, ethnicty/culture, immigration status, English Learner status, and/or traumatic life experiences.”
The initiative will match pediatric neuropsychologists according to their expertise with a family identified by MAC that requires an evaluation for educational purposes. Interested neuropsychologists would need to:
Conduct a neuropsychological evaluation and a school observation at “state rates” for a family identified by MAC.
Consult with MAC’s legal team to pursue the best outcome for the child/family.
Be willing to attend a special education hearing, although very few cases in MAC go to hearing.
Benefits include:
Assisting underserved populations that would otherwise not have the means to hire a neuropsychologist.
Knowing your recommendations will be implemented due to attorney involvement.
Potential systematic change in school districts.
Recognition of your MAC-MNS contributions during the annual Science Symposium.
The MNS Board will fund hearing and hearing preparation time on a case-by-case basis in line with our mission.
If you may be interested in participating in this initiative, please reach out to Dr. Katherine Gamble at or 617-777-1270 for details.
Please click the button below to sign up!
Click here to fill out an application!